Paul Eisenklam Travel Award for Young Researchers

ILASS-Europe supports up to 4 young researchers each year to attend ICLASS and ILASS-Europe conferences through the Paul Eisenklam Travel Award. The award in the form of a bursary has a maximum amount of € 1000,- , including travel expenses, accommodation, daily allowances and conference fees. Such conferences are an opportunity to find recognition from people in the scientific discourse who may be interested in your research and even help if you cannot understand a certain field of research. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare well for the speech, including using additional sources such as best writing services.

Eligible candidates must meet the following criteria:

  1. Be a full time graduate student/research assistant at the time of the conference.
  2. Present a poster or an oral paper at the conference, describing the research effort to which he/she made a significant contribution.
  3. Clearly benefit from the availability of travel funds in order to attend the conference.

To apply for funding, applicants must submit the following information, together with the conference abstract:

  • A brief description of the research to be presented
  • A statement, why it is essential to receive the travel award to be able to join the conference
  • An affirmation of willingness to present a paper or a poster on the conference
  • Details of other awards, contributions or grants towards travel and/or subsistence expenses for the same conference
  • Explanation of the expected benefit from conference attendance.

Also, a letter of endorsement of the research advisor must be included.

Consideration will be given to the general contribution of the work to the field of Atomization and Sprays, the applicant’s contribution to the research, financial need, and how the conference attendance will advance the applicant’s career.

Expenses will be reimbursed after the conference on the basis of original documents.

Please send your complete e-mail application in a single pdf file to

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Domnick
University of Applied Sciences Esslingen
Kanalstraße 33
73728 Esslingen, Germany
joachim.Domnick [at]

The deadline for the application is June 20th, 2014. July 15th, 2014.

The decision for the PETA award has been achieved.

In total 13 applications have been received, only 4 could be funded. The selection was made by an ILASS-PETA Committee on the base of the actual situation of the applicant, the quality of the application and the contribution to the conference.

The PETA award for ILASS 2014 will be given to:

S. Chen

University of Liverpool


C. Galbiati

University of Bergamo


A. Farnoud

TOBB University Ankara


C. Varnay

Université de Montpellier


Congratulations to this engaged young students. See you in Bremen.

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