
Full program online.

Sep 06, 2014

The full preliminary program is now available at our homepage. We are looking forward to see you on Sunday in Bremen! You can see the program and familiarize yourself with the disciplines, if you see a course that seems difficult to you, or after reviewing the program, you will look for help, you can, for example, get help with capstone project and don't worry.

Full preliminary program online.

Aug 08, 2014

The full preliminary program is now available at our homepage.

Advancements in Spray Diagnostics and Measurement Techniques in Sociology Paper

Guest Speakers announced.

Jul 23, 2014

Plenary Lecture Speakers have been announced.

General schedule online.

Jul 10, 2014

General schedule and session planning for ILASS 2014 is now online. We are looking forward to an exiting conference!

ILASS paper submission is online!

Jun 26, 2014

Paper submission for ILASS 2014 is now online! Please follow this link to submit your paper.

Your contribution will be included in the final ILASS 2014 Proceedings only if one author is registerd to ILASS 2014 conference.

Paper submission and Author registration deadline is July, 15th.

Deadline for Travel Award extended

Jun 19, 2014

The deadline for Paul Eisenklam Travel Award for Young Researchers has been extended to July 15, 2014. 

Acc. notification sent

Jun 19, 2014

Dear authors,

the review of your paper is finished. You should have received an E-mail by now.

Your ILASS2014-Team

Registration online

Apr 30, 2014

Registration for ILASS 2014 is opened now.

You can register here. Early bird tickets are available until June 20th!

2nd call is launched

Apr 29, 2014

We cordially invite you to present your research at ILASS 2014.

The deadline for Abstract submission has been extended to May 15, 2014.

Extended abstracts for oral presentations or posters containing information on objectives, methods, results and conclusions (2 pg, including text and figures) are to be submitted through the ILASS 2014 homepage. Please use the abstract template to be downloaded. Your manuscript must be submitted online as PDF-document through the webpage. All submitted extended abstracts will be subject to peer review.

ILASS Abstract submission is online!

Feb 19, 2014

The abstract submission for ILASS 2014 is now online! Please follow this link to register and submit your abstract. We are looking forward to your inspiring proposals.

Topics for ILASS 2014 are:


  1. Sprays in Engines and Automotives
  2. Medical and Agricultural Sprays
  3. Spray Combustion and Gas Turbines
  4. Metal Sprays
  5. Powder Production in Spray Processes

Spray Analysis Methods

  1. Spray Diagnostics / Measurement
  2. Atomization, Spray Modelling and Simulation

Special Atomizations

  1. Ultrasonic and Electrospray
  2. Atomizer Design

Droplet Processes

  1. Drop-Wall-Interaction and Spray Impingement
  2. Fundamentals of Droplet Breakup
  3. Droplet/Particle Interactions
  4. Droplet Evaporation, Solidification and Condensation

1st announcement sent!

Jan 16, 2014

The 1st announcement for ILASS 2014 has been sent on Dec. 16th. Stay tuned and subscribe to ILASS 2014 newsletter here!

Ilass 2014 ONLINE!

Dec 12, 2013

The official Ilass 2014 Website has been published today.